Second month at home with baby
My how things have changed! My little boy is getting so big. He is becoming more alert and aware of what's going on around him. He loves it when I walk around the house and show him new things in each room. Here is a quick little list of changes/milestones he's made:
~Growth. I feel like he changes so much everyday. He's finally starting to not be able to fit into his newborn clothes and it breaks my heart! So, I've been reorganizing his dresser and packing up the newborn attire. I've also been doing inventory about things I need to fit him in this "in between" stage because his 3 month clothes are too big and his newborn clothes obviously don't fit. I need to get him some 0-3 month clothing. They are perfect for this stage in his life and he will need some sweaters/warmer clothes with the changing seasons. Just make sure you are paying attention to the weight requirements for each brand, they are all different.
~Milestones. Aiden has been lifting and keeping his head up more. So I've introduced "tummy time" to him. He loves it but does get tired after a few minutes. So, after he's been fed, burped and changed I'll do tummy time to wear him out before putting him down for a nap. Its good interaction for you and your baby and will help him nap longer to let mommy get some much needed stuff done around the house.
~Eating. As I mentioned earlier, their eating schedule can be changing as they grow. Sometimes he'll eat his usual 4 ounces and then an hour later been really fussy and hungry so I'll feed him another 2 ounces. They are growing like crazy and their needs for food increase! Just go with it, they'll be happy and you will too!
~Pictures. I have been taking pictures like crazy! I want to make sure I capture every moment and put them in his baby book. Make it fun for you and your baby. I bought those "monthly" stickers and do a sweet little photo shoot with him to be able to look back and smile. It's also a great way to share his growth with family members all over the country.
Keep up the great and hard work mommies! Its all worth it!
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