Pregnancy "Final Weeks"

August 7, 2014

39 weeks and 6 days. Again, had a follow up today and AGAIN, NO progress. You have to be kidding me right!? How is it that I am 1 day shy of my due date and only 1 cm dilated!? UGH. I'm not going to sit here and sugar coat the disappointment I felt. With all the aches and pains along with the constant pressure I feel on my pelvis, I thought surely I would be more dilated. My frustration sky rocketed as the medical staff told me that because it's my first, I would easily go past my due date. (*Note: Don't tell us that. It's the last thing we want to hear) As I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, the doctor said she'd recommend that we induce on my due date. Light at the end of the tunnel right? I was surprised to hear her say that and then she went into discussing that waiting much longer past my due date put me at an increased risk with low amniotic fluid and my baby being too big for vaginal delivery. So, as of right now we are scheduled for induction at 10:00pm on Saturday night. I felt a weight had been lifted because it was no longer a waiting/guessing game of when our sweet little boy would come into this world. Now, with that being said, I had plenty of questions of how induction works and the protocols used. There are definitely some drawbacks with being induced and here are a few of them:
1.) Although I have a scheduled time, it does NOT mean I will be admitted at that time. I will have to call labor and delivery to make sure my report time is still the same. It CAN change.
2.) Just because I show up being told my bed is available 45 minutes earlier doesn't mean when I get there that it'll still be there. It depends on if there are enough beds available, no emergencies, or other women that naturally go into labor because those scenarios will all be put a head of me in line. 
3.) Once admitted, they will begin using the "gel" for induction. This isn't the quickest way to start inducing and it may be administered a few times. If no progress has been made they will call my doctor and ask what she'd like to do: administer more gel and send me home or stay and start Pitocin. So, I could be sent home and only return when contractions are regular. YUCK!

What about you? Were any of you induced? Was it a smooth process or a nightmare? I will try and keep you posted these last 2 days and I pray for a safe delivery of our little boy.



August 4. 2014

39 weeks and 3 days. I had another follow-up appointment today and no progress has been made since I last updated you all. I must say I was a little shocked since I had many more BH contractions that had gotten much stronger. But today my doctor had done something I knew little about…"stripping" or "sweeping" my membranes. When she did this procedure, I did experience some discomfort. I would describe it as mild-moderate and shortly after had some intense cramping but she said that's normal. She explained to me that sometimes when this "stripping" is performed, it can induce labor naturally by releasing the hormone prostaglandin which can ripen the cervix further. Once I got home and relaxed, I could really feel the cramping and it lasted most of the day. Honestly, at this point I'm ready to go into labor so I don't mind it. Sometimes people will go into labor the following day or two and sometimes they won't at all and will have to have this procedure repeated. Now, if this is something you don't want, then speak up! Don't ever feel forced to do something you aren't comfortable with. What about you? Did any of you have this done? Did you go into labor shortly afterwards or no?

Again, I will keep you updated on any changes. Hopefully I'll go into labor before the weekend but we'll see. I have another appointment on Thursday and I'll know more of what's going on if I hadn't gone into labor yet. 



August 1, 2014

Ok, I am a whopping 39 weeks today and I feel like I've been pregnant for a year now! Please tell me I am not alone in this feeling? For some reason this seems to be the year of pregnancies. I've known more people that are pregnant this year than the last 3 years combined. I've been fortunate to go through this pregnancy with a good friend (we were 3 weeks apart) and quite a few girls I went to high school and worked with. Actually for the most part we are within weeks and days of each others due dates. So, why is it that most of them have already had their babys or just went into labor over the past few days!? Ugh! I have tried every old wives tale: sex, warm baths, walking, spicy food, etc. and he's still not here!  I guess it's true what they say, you really can't rush nature. I did see my doctor today and a little more progress has been made which is always better than nothing. Again, here is a list of things I've felt this week:
~Increased lower back pain
~Feeling the need to sit down after walking
~Increased Insomnia (Its just practice right?)
~Frequent urination
~Increased swelling in hands and feet
~Feeling emotional (like crying at the drop of a hat)
~Increase in Braxton Hicks contractions (These are getting more painful but still not consistent) 
~Diarrhea (natures enema or so my doctor tells me)
~Vaginal discharge (no "bloody show" yet)
~Weight loss (very little, just a few pounds 2-3)
~**Cervix forward, 70% effaced, 1 cm dilated, and ripening is continuing** (More progress than last week! YAY!)

Who knows, maybe this will be my last post about my "Final Weeks." I will continue to post as much as I can over this next week and let you know how my last two doctors visits go. I hope you all have enjoyed reading my blog as much as I've enjoyed writing it! I'll keep you posted!



July 25, 2014

I am 38 weeks today! Woo hoo! Not too much longer until we get to meet our sweet little boy. There hasn't been a ton of change when it comes to what I've felt and according to my doctor, progress has been made!
~Increased need of having to use the bathroom
~Leg pain (Mainly my inner thighs)
~Increase in Braxton Hicks contractions (not consistent)
~Increase in vaginal discharge
~**Cervix fully forward, 50% effaced, 0 cm dilated, ripening has begun** (a little excited! means progress is taking place!)

As my due date quickly approaches, I have been trying to keep myself busy and active. Unfortunately, spending time outside is not an option in this Arizona heat (112 degrees). So, I will be getting a manicure/pedicure this weekend and I've scheduled a prenatal massage for myself next week. I keep hearing from friends that just recently had babys to use these last few weeks for your self. I intend to do just that!

I'm so close I can feel it! I will keep you all posted on my progress!



July 18, 2014

I am officially 37 weeks in my pregnancy! So far, this is what my body has been feeling:
~Increased lower back pain
~Increase in Braxton Hicks contractions (not consistent)
~Stomach has dropped (aka "lightening")
~Intestinal issues (gas and diarrhea. yes, it's not pretty)
~Increase in vaginal discharge
~Swelling in hands and feet
~Cervix faced back, 0% effaced, 0 cm dilated, ripening has not begun (bummer)

Everything seems to be flying by so quickly. I do have some anxiety like a lot of other women feel, but I've put a list together of things I've done this past week to help feel like I'm ready for D-Day!

~Pack your hospital bags. I have one for myself, the baby and my husband (I'll post a helpful list of what each bag contains)
~Install the carseat. You can go to your local fire department and make sure it's installed correctly.
~Wash crib bedding and baby clothes (If you haven't done these already, now is a good time to do it)
~Wash/sterilize all bottles, pacifiers, and breast pump with accessories.
~Create/finish your birth plan. There are many different formats you can find online to guide you. I will post mine as an example to use. They're great to have for when you do go into labor!
~Find a pediatrician. Call your insurance to find out who's in your network and then you can use online resources like Yelp to see what other families said about their practice. "Angie's List" is another great resource but they do charge to use their services. 

Hope this helps keep you busy and feel a little more prepared! I will be adding more posts here shortly about hospital bags, and other important topics you may be curious about. 



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