When our birthing class recommended we sit down, discuss and write out our birth plan, I had no idea what it was and why it was so important. But, all this document does is tell your medical team/doctor what you and your spouse/significant other prefer for such things as how to manage labor pain, whether the baby "stays in" with you, etc. Now, of course you can't control every aspect of labor and delivery but it doesn't hurt to keep all parties informed. Below, I have our birth plan that you can see/use as an example.
Full Name: Partners Full Name:
Due Date:
Doctors Name:
Pediatrician Name:
Hospital Name:
**Please note that I have: (If you have hypertension, diabetes or are GSB positive, note that here)**
**During labor I'd like:
~As few interruptions as possible
~Hospital staff limited to my own doctor and nurses (NO students, residents, or interns present)
~My partner to be present the entire time
~To eat and drink as approved by my doctor
~I'd like to spend the first stage of labor lying down (Unless my doctor recommends otherwise)
~I'd like fetal monitoring to be continuous
~IF labor augmentation is needed, I'd like it to be performed with Pitocin
~For PAIN RELIEF I'd like to use a standard epidural
~My delivery is planned as vaginal
~I'd like my partner ONLY present before and or during labor (Unless others are specified by me only)
~During delivery I would like to use foot pedals for support
~As the baby is delivered, I would like to push as directed by the doctor, and AVOID forceps usage
~I'd only like an episiotomy performed as my doctor deems necessary with anesthesia
~IF a C-section is necessary, I'd like an epidural for anesthesia, my partner to hold the baby as soon as possible and to breastfeed in the recovery room
~Immediately after delivery, I'd like my partner to cut the umbilical cord ONLY once it stops pulsating
~I would like to hold the baby immediately after delivery
~I would like to breastfeed my baby as soon as possible after delivery
~I would like my family members:
Names: to join me, the baby and my partner in the room later for the maximum time of 1 hour.
~I would like my baby's medical exam and procedures to be given in my partner and I's presence. These exams and procedures may include any tests/vaccines that the doctor/staff deem necessary.
~**Please do NOT GIVE MY BABY: sugar water, (unless deemed necessary by my doctor) OR formula
~I'd like my baby's first bath to be given in my partner and I's presence
~I'd like to feed my baby ONLY with breastmilk and with help of a lactation specialist if needed.
~I'd like my baby to stay in my room all the time
~I'd like my partner to have unlimited visiting and sleep in my room
~I'd like my baby to have a circumcision and be performed in the presence of my partner
~As needed post-delivery, please give me: percoset (if allowed by my doctor) or extra strength acetametaphin
~If the baby is not well, I'd like my partner and I to accompany the baby to the NICU or another facility
~I'd also like to breastfeed or provide pumped breastmilk
~I'd like my partner or I to hold him whenever possible
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