Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Air Travel with a Baby

May 31, 2015

I know, it's been awhile since my last blog post. Life has been a little crazy lately and I'm still recovering from surgery. Anyways, I wanted to write this post about traveling with a baby on an air plane since I recently just went through this. Here are some things you'll want to do/have: 

1.) Plan ahead. If you are visiting family and friends, see if someone can find you a stroller, pack-n-play/crib, etc. the less you have to take, the better and easier. 
2.) Check the weather. You ALWAYS want to be prepared when it comes to the right clothes/accessories for your baby. I checked the weather a week, 2 days and 1 day before you leave. 
3.) Pack 3 days before you leave. That way you aren't running around like crazy and be likely to forget something important. 
4.) Documentation. This is HUGE! Especially if you're flying with a baby under two. You'll need their birth certificate or immunization records. 
5.) Diaper bag. I took two diaper bags onto the airplane with me. One goes on my shoulder and the other was worn as a backpack. I would suggest putting all the diapers, wipes, blanket, toys, etc in one bag and all the water/formula/breast milk/juice, medicines and snacks in the other bag. Once you get to security they'll test any liquid and check it before letting you proceed to the gate. It's much easier compiling those items that have to be checked by TSA into one bag instead of having it spread into two bags. I also have a tablet for my little one that was a lifesaver. Make sure if you do have one, bring it but also make sure it's fully charged and to bring the charger with you. 
6.) Playtime. Once you get through security, let them run and play. And if they aren't walking or crawling yet, walk them around. They'll be stimulated by colors, noises and people around them. I also packed a blanket in our carry-ons with some toys so you can lay out the blanket on the floor by your gate and take out one or two toys. You don't want to give them all the toys otherwise they'd be bored with them by the time you get on the plane. I'd also recommend trying to get a window seat. That way your baby can look out the window and you can pull the shade down to make it darker for them to nap. 
7.) Altitude. We've all heard that altitude and baby ears do not mix. They do not have the capability of popping as we take off and land. This can be a painful experience for them. If your baby has more ear sensitivity than normal, talk to your doctor before your trip and discuss some options. I kept Tylenol in his diaper bag and gave it to him when we sat down. I also made sure I had a bottle ready for take off and landing. The sucking motion helps their ears pop and if they're happy, you're happy. 
8.) Airplane noise. Some babies are very sensitive to noise while others do just fine with the humming of the plane. My little guy did just fine until the stewardess or the captain would come over the speaker. So luckily I bought these headphones made specifically for air travel and other outside noises. They are called "baby banz" and you can find them on Amazon for $25. I'd wait until he fell asleep and then placed them over his ears to ensure an uninterrupted sleep. 

I hope this helps you out in planning your next plane ride with your baby. Our flight each way was about 4 1/2 hours and by just keeping him entertained and comfortable made the trip much easier! Have questions? E-mail me at: lexie.stoeckel29@gmail.com


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