Thursday, September 4, 2014

"Down there" postpartum care

September 3, 2014

All throughout my pregnancy I could not wait to deliver my baby and become a mom. Everyone tells you how beautiful of an experience it is and how everything comes naturally. Well, I am going to be 100% honest with you…its NOT all beautiful. There are plenty of things you should be aware of to make you feel a little more prepared for what you and your body will go. 

After an exhausting 36 hours of labor, my son had finally come. They laid him on my chest and my heart exploded with love. After some skin-to-skin they took him and did measurements and ran the normal hospital tests. As this was going on, the doctor stitched me up because I had torn. Yes, you can tear down there. I know, it's not a pleasant but it happens about 75% of the time. Shortly afterwards they took out my epidural and I began feeling EVERYTHING down there. Once I was transported to my recovery suite, I was shown how to "clean"/use the bathroom with what was going on down there. Im not going to lie, it looks like a damn crime scene whenever you use the bathroom. But relax, its all apart of the healing process. The nursing staff will go over everything with you and how to use the numbing sprays, witch hazel pads, etc. Every hospital is different. 

Here are a few things I would recommend:

-Use the mesh underwear they give you. They aren't pretty but they sure are comfortable. (They'll give you numerous pairs. I rinsed them out and took them home with me and asked for more before I left.)
-Before you are released from the hospital, ask you if can get more "numbing spray" and "witch hazel pads" because you're running low (Even if you aren't, you'll be glad you did. Especially since you'll be moving around more once you get home and you'll finally have your first bowel movement which= PAIN.)
-If they haven't prescribed you an prescription for pain, make sure you have them do so and call it in to your pharmacy (you can pick it up on your way home.) Don't be afraid to ask what it is they are prescribing you. Usually it's 800mg of ibuprofen and some hospitals (like mine) gave me a prescription for Percocet as well. Don't worry, it's safe even when breastfeeding. 
-Make sure to have some maxi pads of your own at your house, and a bottle of witch hazel when you come home. Trust me, you'll use it all. Especially when you run out of the pads from the hospital and the numbing spray. It's always good to be prepared. ALSO make sure you have some stool softener. It'll make your first bowel movement a tad more pleasant. 
-HYDRATE! I can't stress this enough! Especially with the meds, and your milk coming in it is SO important you do this. It'll also make you feel and recover quicker. 

I hope this helps you understand and be a little more prepared for postpartum care for "down there"


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